'the music room' is a Warwickshire based music tuition school. We host one-to-one lessons for; Singing, Drums, Guitar, Bass, and even more!
Our physical lessons take place in southern Coventry, but we also offer secure and professional online lessons for those living further away or have limitations due to Covid-19.
'the music room' is a Warwickshire based music tuition school. We host one-to-one lessons for; Singing, Drums, Guitar, Bass, and even more!
Our physical lessons take place in southern Coventry, but we also offer secure and professional online lessons for those living further away or have limitations due to Covid-19.
'the music room' is a Warwickshire based music tuition school. We host one-to-one lessons for; Singing, Drums, Guitar, Bass, and even more!
Our physical lessons take place in southern Coventry, but we also offer secure and professional online lessons for those living further away or have limitations due to Covid-19.
Student & Parent COVID Guidelines
We ask all students and parents to follow the current Government guidelines to help keep everyone Safe at THE MUSIC ROOM.

If you have been in contact with anyone with COVID 19 within the past 14 days you must not come for your lesson. This lesson can however take place via a ZOOM video call instead.
If you have a temperature, cough, or flu-like symptoms you must not come to your lesson, please give as much notice as possible.
Use hand sanitizer upon arrival, and regularly throughout your time with us. Ideally, bring your own to reduce contact with our dispensers.
Face-Masks may be worn when entering the building but may not be required for the lesson. You must provide your own and dispose of it at your own home. If a student wishes to wear a mask during the lesson that is absolutely fine but it is not compulsory.
There are no tea or coffee making facilities. (this may change over the next few months)
Arrive a maximum of 5 minutes before your class time.
As a student attending our school, you agree to take full responsibility for your personal health, hygiene, and assuring the safety of others in attendance..
We strongly advise that those deemed as high risk avoid attending their lessons in person and have lessons via ZOOM where possible.
Our teachers will be in charge of maintaining cleanliness around the communal areas. We are cleaning the facilities as often as we can but also ask you to help protect our teachers by keeping to the rules.
If you have symptoms and have attended a lesson with us, please contact the school immediately at
If you have recently traveled or come back from abroad, please self-isolate for 7 days before attending your lesson. We can ZOOM your lesson if you let us know in advance so you don’t miss out.
For any questions or concerns please email or phone either principal:
Adam Kibble - 07972033543 John Griffiths - 07518092313
COVID 19 GUIDELINES from the Government
Teachers, visitors, and clients who are unwell with symptoms of Coronavirus (Covid-19) should not attend lessons. If you have any of the following symptoms DO NOT enter the building.
Please note that we have the right to refuse entry to anyone using/booked to use the facilities if you have Covid19 symptoms, and no refunds will be eligible.
a high temperature – this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (you do not need to measure your temperature)
a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual)
a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste – this means you’ve noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal
To protect others, do not go to places like a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital if you have any of these symptoms. Stay at home and self-isolate for 14 days.
We are all learning as we go. Our pledge is to work with you to talk through all the issues and concerns to provide a safe working environment for all our people. We are continuously reviewing our procedures and will do everything we can to accommodate and meet your own requirements.
Thank you for your patience and cooperation in these trying times.
Adam & John